FERRERE Transforma  purpose is to contribute to the sustainability of the organizations we support, and we do so from the heart of our business: though the capabilities of our practitioners.

This allows us to contribute to social and economic development across the four countries where we have a presence, through specific actions and work shared with diverse institutions involved in academic, social and business spheres.

If you have a project and would like to be part of our social innovation program, we invite you to apply here.

FERRERE is a founding member of Fundación Pro Bono Uruguay. This organization was born in 2019 at the initiative of a group of law firms, with the aim of providing free legal advice to persons and entities who cannot afford it. It has the collaboration of Universidad de Montevideo, and the support of the Vance Center and the Red Pro Bono de las Américas network.

FERRERE collaborates with the National Office for Released Persons (DINALI) on diverse actions to support persons deprived of their freedom and former inmates on their reinsertion in society in the context of the “Liberados” program. In the framework of the entity’s Opportunity Network, FERRERE provides free legal advice to persons formerly deprived of freedom registered with DINALI’s job bank. Additionally, each week the firm’s volunteers visit two prisons, to talk, coach and box with inmates, who upon their release are supported and assisted in preparing resumes and obtaining and preparing job interviews.

CEPRODIH’s women entrepreneurs prepare year-end gifts for our firm. By allowing them to participate in a major project we promote their professionalization.

Paper used by FERRERE is processed by Repapel for manufacturing inputs that are donated to the Liceo Jubilar high school.

We joined the funds collection campaign for the Fundación Teletón 2021, hand in hand with thousands of volunteers from companies and institutions, to achieve the foundation’s goal: free treatment at rehabilitation centers.

We supported Casa de la Juventud, a youth organization that promotes leadership in the service of society, in successfully completing its trademark registration process.

Our practitioners tutor students of Jubilar/Fundación Salir Adelante, helping to see them through the difficult first steps of their tertiary education.

We helped Sigo Leyendo, an initiative that seeks to eradicate illiteracy in the world by strengthening reading habits through the distribution and promotion of written works under license with Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, providing it with advice on the legal structure most suited to its goals and purposes.

FERRERE has worked with Z Zurich Foundation on a project called “Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance,” a multi-sectoral partnership which brings together community programs, new research, shared knowledge, and evidence-based influencing to build community flood resilience in developing countries such as Bolivia. 

Young people from Fundación Salir Adelante live the FERRERE Experience. Over the course of three days, students get to know firsthand what it’s like to work at the firm, taking part in a team, receiving training, and visiting clients.

To know more about our CSR program write to



We are aware of the difficulties some members of our community face in accessing the justice system and legal counsel. As attorneys, we are in a unique position to assist them, and we have the ethical commitment to take on pro bono work to afford them that access. Consequently, we foster pro bono work among our attorneys as part of the obligations of the profession, and we recognize those who engage in such activities.

We assist pro bono clients in areas of law where assistance may be lacking. We offer pro bono services to persons or groups with limited resources or in a vulnerable or socially marginal situation, as well as to nongovernmental organizations that assist them.

FERRERE Responsibilities.
We provide our pro bono clients with the same quality professional service as all our other clients.

Our pro bono services are free of charge. Pro bono clients are responsible for the expenses necessary in connection with the pro bono services, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Pro Bono Committee.
Direction and coordination of pro bono work, as well as determination of resources available for pro bono cases, rest with the FERRERE pro bono committee, whose members are associates and coordinating partners.



If you want to apply to our Probono program download here the form and send to

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