To offset the effects of the international price crisis, the Bolivian government has decided to increase public investment from USD 6.2 billion approved in 2015 to USD 8.2 billion, to be allocated in the 2016 General Government Budget.

The Confederation of Private Businesses of Bolivia (CEPB) called the planned investment “historic.”

In recent months the private sector made a commitment to President Evo Morales aimed at attaining USD 3 billion in private investment.

The 2016 Budget makes a major allocation of funds to finance roadway works. The plan is to build 3,000 kilometers of new paved roadways during the period.

This projection is part of the Government’s agenda to cover 13,000 kilometers of new paved roadways by 2025, with emphasis on divided highways for the entire central trunk route, La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz.

The Ministry of Public Works estimates that by 2016 USD 8 billion will be available for highways. Part of that amount will be financed with funds from CAF, IADB and the World Bank.


Gerardo Villagómez: [email protected]