In the context of the Women in the Profession (WIP) program, a world movement that seeks to empower women in developing their professional activity, FERRERE Paraguay organized a talk on “Unconscious Bias. The first barrier to inclusion. Challenges and opportunities for women.”
The talk took place on July 24 at FERRERE offices. Speakers at the event were FERRERE partner Verónica Raffo; Gloria Ayala Person, director of Casa de Bolsa (CADIEM); and Sandra Noguera, general manager of the Paraguayan Chamber of Oilseed and Grain Processors (Cappro). Carlos Vasconsellos, partner in FERRERE Paraguay, moderated the event.
Verónica Raffo spoke on the role of women worldwide, including Latin American and specifically Paraguay. She explained that only 25% of management positions are held by women throughout the world. At Latin American level, she noted that only 7.3% of companies have women on their boards. Raffo also explained unconscious bias and stereotype roles embedded in education and perpetuated by advertising.
Then, Sandra Noguera spoke on data related to women’s participation in industry. She indicated that today the proportion of women working in activities related directly to food production is low, and that women’s participation reaches more significant percentages in activities related to services and commerce.
Gloria Ayala Person, in turn, shared relevant data on education, indicating that only 6 out of every 10 girls finish primary school, and that in the majority of cases this is because girls leave school to help their mothers with household chores or to care for family members, among other issues.
The event had the participation of a large number of persons from legal and business spheres.