FERRERE advised Hidrovias do Brasil on a bond issue by one of the group’s companies, located in Luxemburg, for a total of USD 600,000,000. Demand for the issue was seven times the initial offering and had the participation primarily of investors from Europe, the United States and Asia.
Hidrovias do Brasil develops comprehensive logistics solutions in South America with emphasis on enhancing river transport. The company was originally organized by the Patria Investments infrastructure fund. It currently trades on the BM&FBOVESPA Sao Paulo Securities Exchange and has the participation of other funds such as AIMCO (Canada) and the Temasek sovereign fund (Singapore), the IFC (the World Bank’s financial arm) and BNDE (Brazil’s Development Bank).
Partner Isabel Laventure comments: “As always, in this kind of transaction timing is highly important. We had to work with very tight timeframes and are very satisfied to have been able to assist our client Hidrovias do Brasil on such a successful issue. Our teams in Paraguay and Uruguay worked together to assure comprehensive service for the client, while at the same time addressing the particularities of each jurisdiction”.