Uruguay’s government announced a highway infrastructure construction plan for a total amount of USD 2.36 billion in the 2015-19 period, of which USD 740 million would be executed under the PPP system. These PPP contracts will be structured in 8 roadway circuits covering 1,600 km of existing highways and 130 km of new work, with the contractor being responsible for infrastructure design, construction, operation and financing.
To date the government has provisionally awarded “Circuit 0” covering Routes 21 and 24 (November 3, 2015), launched the tenders for “Circuit 1” and “Circuit 2” for roadway infrastructure for Routes 12, 54, 55 and 57 and the Carmelo Bypass (June 13, 2016), in the first case, and in the second case for Routes 9 and 15 (July 28, 2016).
The call for bids for “Circuit 3” was published recently, pertaining to International Public Tender No. 6/2016, which covers the western tranche of Route 14 (from Route 3 to Sarandí del Yí). The opening of bids is set for September 15, 2016.
The authorities continue working on these issues, and another call for local and international bidders is expected by the end of 2016.
Santiago Fontana: [email protected]
Alfonso Capurro: [email protected]