In November 2011, the second stage of the National Social Security Dialogue was launched, with the participation of the Uruguayan Government, employers, workers, retirees and representatives of the different political parties. The goal is to reach consensus regarding the adoption of new legislation. In this instance, the dialogue will range over four subjects: “Retirement and Pensions Regime”; “Fringe Benefits and Unemployment Insurance”; “Retirement Savings System and the role of Pension Funds”; “Freelance work and its protection”.
The International Labor Organization’s (OIT, for its Spanish acronym) Sub-Regional Office wanted to provide support to the employers’ organizations for the formulation of proposals of amendments to existing legislation. To this effect, the OIT hired FERRERE.
The project was led by Nelson Larrañaga, Senior Counsel of FERRERE’s Labor and Social Security Department, and a highly regarded expert on labor law.
On November 24, Larrañaga presented the report on the first subject –Retirement and Pensions- to the employers’ delegation, who used it as support for their presentation in the Dialogue workshops. The report deals with issues ranging from the compatibility of retirement and work under certain circumstances, regulations on the service history of employees, computation of pensions, access to pension coverage, and was enriched by the contributions made by the employers in a series of work sessions. This work dynamic will continue throughout 2012.