The Ministry of Mining issued “Instructions for Granting Metallic Minerals Concessions” establishing the rules and procedures applicable to issuance of metallic mining concessions under small, medium and large scale mining regimes.
The Instructions establish different processes for concessions based on the size of the mining operation. Small-scale mining has two procedures, each with its requirements and particularities: [1] application procedure: for an underground area of from 4 to 300 hectares of subsoil work or from 6 to 300 hectares open pit; and [2] mining offer procedure: for areas between 301 and 500 mining hectares. Both processes consist primarily of granting a concession by means of a reserve process.
For medium-scale mining the procedures are: [3] auction: for granting concessions that have lapsed or reverted to the Government; and [4] auction: for granting metallic mining concessions that have not lapsed or have been returned to the Government. In both cases they may be initiated either by the Government or at the request of private parties. The Ministry grants concession by means of a specific procedure that will include, among other things (depending on whether requested by a private party or called by the Government), the following stages: Call for Bids, Competency Qualification, Delivery of Information, Publication of Terms of Reference, Submission of Bids, Qualification by Technical Commission, Award, and Issuance of the mining concession.
Contact: Álvaro Ordóñez Álvaro Ordoñez
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