On February 16, 2016, the Executive Branch approved the National Corruption Prevention Plan (the “Plan”). The Plan aims to strengthen policies to prevent corruption, which may be implemented based on existing institutional structure, with nine specific goals:
1) Strengthening the National Anticorruption Secretariat (“SENAC”), the authority in charge of executing the Plan
2) Strengthening the Executive Branch’s Inter-institutional Anticorruption Network, which integrates all entities under the Executive Branch, such as ministries, secretariats and other, and under the coordination of SENAC works to promote transparency and decrease corruption
3) Consolidate the Paraguay Model Standard of Internal Controls, a uniform system of internal controls for public entities
4) Strengthen the Public Ethics System in the State Administration
5) Strengthen the Public Access to Information Policies and their regulations
6) Promote transparency and corruption prevention in Public Companies
7) Promote transparency and corruption prevention in public-private contracts
8) Increase citizen participation in the prevention and control of corruption
9) Implement a Policy on the Recovery of Assets of Illicit Origin
These goals are intended to assist the Executive Branch put into practice the standards demanded by the United Nations Convention Against Corruption by reducing opportunities for corruption, encouraging the correct use of public funds and gaining public confidence.