The Paraguayan State, through the Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Comunicaciones ("MOPC"), will call for a tender for the route that grants access to the Puente de la Integración, the bridge connecting Presidente Franco (Paraguay) and Foz de Yguazú (Brazil), on the Paraná River, named Corredor Metropolitano del Este. 1. Financing The Project will be financed thorugh a loan from the Corporación Andina de Fomento (“CAF”). 2. The Project The Project comprises three public international tender offers, already published in the webpage of the Dirección Nacional de Contrataciones Públicas (“DNCP”). The first of them comprises the outline of the final engineering design of the arch bridge over Monday River (Phase A) and its construction (Phase B), amounting USD 44,5 million. Please find further information in here. The second tender refers to the access to the second bridge on the Paraná River between Presidente Franco and Foz de Yguazú, amounting USD 91 million. Please find further information in here. Finally, the third tender refers to the existent interurban network, amounting USD 25 million. Please find further information in here. 3. Works The works related to the first and second tenders (Access Works to Tracts 1 and 2), will comprise the construction of a 4 lane way with asphaltic paving for Track 1, from km 0 to km 19,1 and for Track 2, from km 19,1 to km 30,8, which adds to almost a 31 km road. In addition, the intersection with Ruta Nacional PY02 is added to the Track 1 works. The works related to the third tender will comprise the construction of an asphaltic paving road in the track between km 0 and km 4,6, in the city of Presidente Franco.
Contact information Carlos Vasconsellos
Claudia Arietti