Using the link individuals and/or legal entities and/or associations of same who are Reporting Parties under the law and required to cooperate in the prevention of asset laundering and terrorist financing can submit queries to the National Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Secretariat (SENACLAFT) regarding application and interpretation of current rules on the subject. No fees are charged for such queries.
The response to the query is to be taken as a guide for action issued by SENACLAFT to facilitate compliance. It will be applicable to the specific case, without binding effects, as a technical response to a situation of fact posed.
The party submitting the query must indicate its name and identification document number or company name and taxpayer identification number, contact telephone and email address, and identify its category as Reporting Party. The query must address a real and specific fact arising in the Party’s or its members’ sphere of competence. The party submitting the query must clearly and precisely set out all the elements constituting the situation giving rise to the query, and indicate its initial well-founded opinion regarding same, citing applicable rules. SENACLAFT will shelve queries that do not meet the aforesaid requirements.
Complaints submitted to SENACLAFT
Using the link complaints can be submitted to SENACLAFT regarding noncompliance by non-financial sector Reporting Parties with current anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing rules. No fees are charged for such queries.
The complainant must indicate its name and identification document number or company name and taxpayer identification number, contact telephone and email address, as well as the name and other identification data of the Reporting Party/Parties regarding whom the complaint is made. The complainant must clearly and precisely indicate the circumstances giving rise to the complaint and sign it. Any attached documentation must have pages numbered and be in legible form, and the complaint document must indicate the number of pages attached.
SENACLAFT will give priority to complaints having abundant identification data and elements of proof supporting the complaint. The Secretariat will shelve all claims that are groundless, that do not relate to noncompliance with the rules on prevention of asset laundering and terrorism financing, or that are filed against parties not supervised by SENACLAFT.