SEPRELAD created a query module aimed at verifying the registry of obligated subjects who are registered before SEPRELAD, as well as the Specialized External Auditors in anti-money laundering, combating the financing of terrorism and financing of proliferation (AML/CFT/FP) who are authorized by this institution.
The search is conducted using the Taxpayer Unique Registry (RUC) of the obligated subject (SO) or Specialized Auditor. The module allows verifying the company name, the sector in which the registration was made, and the active or inactive status of the registered SOs.
Regarding auditors, it allows verifying the company name - if it is a consulting firm -, the nature of the person - whether physical or legal -, the status of their enabling registration (valid or expired), the resolution number of the authorization, and the expiration date of the registration.
To access the module, click here.