The National Electricity Administration (ANDE) of Paraguay has announced a tender for the sale of electricity to the Free Contracting Environment (ACL) of the Brazilian Electricity Market (MEB). Below are the 10 most important points to consider regarding this tender:

1. Purpose of the tender: 

  • ANDE will sell electricity generated from surplus energy within the National Interconnected System of Paraguay to the Free Contracting Environment (ACL) of the Brazilian Electricity Market (MEB), with contracts lasting up to six years

2. Eligibility and participation:

  • Interested parties must be authorized by the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy to import electricity from Mercosur countries and must comply with the sector obligations set by the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE).

3. Bidding submission:

  • Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes. Proposals must include the price in US$/MWh and the duration of the offered contract.

4. Energy lot characteristics:

  • Contracted energy: 100 MW.
  • Delivery point: Right Bank Substation of ITAIPU Binational (Paraguay).
  • Supply period: pp to 6 years (minimum 1 year).

5. Award criteria:

  • The award will be based on the highest price (USD/MWh) or the proposal that offers the greatest economic benefit to ANDE.

6. Annual price adjustment:

  • The awarded tariff will be adjusted annually based on the industrial and consumer price indices of the United States.

7. Payment:

  • Payment must be made in advance every twelve months, prior to the commencement of electricity delivery.

8. Consultation period:

  • Questions about the tender can be submitted until ten days before the bid submission deadline.

9. Bid submission date:

  • Bids must be submitted by July 1, 2024.

10. Contract:

  • The contract will be formalized through an electricity supply agreement.