Until November 8, the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (the "MOPC") will receive bids from companies interested in executing the works corresponding to Ruta PY15, Mariscal Estigarribia - Pozo Hondo section and access to Mariscal Estigarribia in the department of Boquerón (the "Project"). The Project covers more than 220 km, starting in Mariscal Estigarribia up to Pozo Hondo. This Project is open to both national and foreign bidders, either individually or jointly (consortium), with domicile in the Republic of Paraguay or abroad. Financing The approximate cost of the project is USD. 315.000.000, which will be financed with a loan that will be granted by the Fondo Financiero para el Desarrollo de la Cuenca de la Plata (FONPLATA). The Project The National Directorate of Public Procurement ("DNCP"), on September 15 of this year, published the call for the Project, which is available at the DNCP's website. Please find further information here. The Paraguayan Government provided that the Project will be carried out in four lots. In addition, the award system for the Project is divided by lot. In this sense, a bidder may be awarded in the number of lots it offers, which offer may be a single lot, or even all four lots. The Project foresees a reference budget (including taxes) for the construction of the lots. Below, a detail of the foreseen amounts for each lot: · Lot 1: approximately USD. 88.000.000 · Lot 2: approximately USD. 73.000.000 · Lot 3: approximately USD. 73.000.000 · Lot 4: approximately USD. 80.000.000 Terms The Project foresees the following terms for the execution of the works described below: · Execution of the final engineering design: 6 calendar months · Construction works: 24 calendar months · Service level maintenance: 96 calendar months. Works The works included in the Project consist in the design, construction and maintenance of Ruta PY15. In this regard, some of the construction works that the Project includes are the construction and/or maintenance of: · Toll stations. · Heavy vehicle scales. · Border control center in Pozo Hondo. · Road improvements in the city of Mariscal Estigarribia, its roundabout, accesses to the airport and the air terminal itself. · Road improvements in Pozo Hondo and its airport. |