On January 22, 2016 the Bidding Conditions were announced for International Public Tender No. 2/2016, for repair and maintenance of infrastructure, railways and switches, on the Algorta-Fray Bentos railway tranche. The contracting government agency on this project is the State Railway Administration (AFE).

Bidders can request clarifications and submit queries on the Bidding Conditions up to 45 days prior to the June 23, 2016 deadline for submitting bids. In its economic bid, each bidder must indicate the maximum daily amount to be received from the contracting administration, which cannot exceed 444,503 Indexed Units (approximately USD 45,000), without inclusion of Value Added Tax.

Additionally, in line with president Tabaré Vázquez’s announcement at the start of his current administration, on January 26 the Bidding Conditions were published for International Public Tenders numbers 1/2016 and 2/2016, for design, construction, operation and financing of roadway infrastructure for Circuit 1, comprising routes numbers 12, 54, 55 and 57 and the city of Carmelo bypass, and Circuit 2, comprising routes 9 and 15.

In this case the contracting public administration is the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works (MTOP), with the National Highway Office (DNV) acting as Executing Unit. Bidders can request clarifications and make queries on the Bidding Conditions up to thirty days before the April 26 deadline for submission of bids. On these roadway projects the maximum value for each bid cannot exceed 3,000,000,000 Indexed Units (approximately USD 300,000,000) for Circuit 1 and 2,700,000,000 Indexed Units (approximately USD 270,000,000) for Circuit 2, in both cases including amounts for social security contributions and without including the Value Added Tax.

The bidding conditions for the three tenders expressly indicate that bids exceeding the maximum values indicated will be excluded.

Bidders on the three tenders can be Uruguayan or foreign individuals or legal entities who are fully competent and are not subject to any of the contracting prohibitions under local law, who accredit their economic, financial and technical solvency, and comply with the terms defined in the respective Bidding Conditions and other documents governing these contracting procedures.


Carla Arellano

Alfonso Capurro