
María Canziani

She is a member of the firm’s Corporate department and participates actively in intellectual property and antitrust matters.

She has broad experience in matters involving application of Administrative Law and Corporate Law. She has advised companies on submissions in competitive procedures with the government (tenders and direct purchases), preparing and reviewing their bids, analyzing contracts executed by such companies with third parties, as well as their financial statements, with a view to obtaining the maximum possible value from government contracts (“VECA libre” certificate issued by the National Registry of Companies and Public Works of the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works exclusively to companies interested in contracting with the Uruguayan government who accredit fulfillment of certain requirements).

She has likewise participated in drafting and reviewing contracts, especially public-private participation agreements, and in connection with bankability of infrastructure projects, as well as well as in planning and drafting private initiatives for submission to public entities.

Additionally, she has experience in administrative procedures involving various government agencies and in actions for nullity of administrative acts brought before the Administrative Claims Court.

Finally, she has experience in matters related to strict application of Corporate Governance and Bankruptcy Law. She has participated in business company organization, providing advice on the type of vehicle most suited to the investor’s project needs in Uruguay, as well as advising on risks and consequences in the event of insolvency proceedings.


  • Interrupción de la prescripción extintiva. Consideraciones respecto de la existencia y la ejecución de deuda líquida e ilíquida y sobre si la inscripción o reinscripción de un embargo configura un medio idóneo para interrumpir la prescripción extintiva (2013), en Coautoría con el Prof. Dr. Arturo Caumont, Anuario de Derecho Civil Uruguayo, Tomo XLIV, Jurisprudencia Civil.
  • En torno al delito de cohecho en el Ordenamiento Jurídico uruguayo-comparado (2015), publicado en Plataforma Eva, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de la República. 

Pro bono

During the second half of 2017 she worked with the Strategic Litigation Clinic of the Law School of Universidad de la República, on the team led by Dr. Juan Ceretta, providing advice and successfully bringing an action for relief on behalf of the Association for Assistance to HIV-positive Individuals (ASEPO), to obtain medication for children with HIV. 

  • Attorney, Universidad de la República (Uruguay), 2017.
  • Currently completing a Master’s degree in Law at Universidad de Montevideo (Uruguay)
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