Prior assessment studies required by regulations for bidding conditions on calls for Public-Private Participation (PPP) projects are moving ahead. Given the milestones met thus far and the assessment times established by the regulations, calls for projects are estimated to be made before year-end.
In mid-September 2015 the Executive Branch issued a decree seeking to clarify and define the delegation of competencies, as well as timeframes for actions, contributing to a more responsive and clearer procedure. In also seeks to provide a technical quality procedure in line with best practices and methodology guidelines. Regulatory Decree No. 251/015 introducing these changes is in turn regulated by Law 18,786 and Regulatory Decrees Nos. 17/012 and 280/012.
Last July the Uruguayan government announced an ambitious infrastructure investment plan for USD 12.37 billion over the next five years. A third of the investments will be made with private financing through concessions and PPA and PPP agreements. In the case of PPP agreements the technical studies are at an advanced stage for three roadway corridors involving approximately USD 100 million each. Also at the prior study stage is the call for rehabilitation and maintenance of 140 kilometers of railway for an approximate amount USD 90 million.
Carla Arellano: [email protected]
Alfonso Capurro: [email protected]