FERRERE advised Embraer in signing a contract with the Uruguayan Air Force (FAU) for the sale of up to six A-29 Super Tucano aircraft.

The contract, which is part of a fleet renewal program and improvement of FAU's operational capacity, provides for the acquisition of one aircraft in 2024, in addition to the commitment to acquire five additional units, with deliveries scheduled to begin in 2025. The purchase also includes mission equipment, integrated logistics services and a flight simulator.

Uruguay thus becomes the sixth country in South America to operate this type of aircraft, together with Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Paraguay. According to the company, this type of aircraft, due to its operational flexibility, is used for several missions, mainly for control of illegal activities, border monitoring, reconnaissance and advanced training.

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Omar Paganini, in statements reported by Embraer, “Uruguay seeks to strengthen its airspace surveillance and threat response capabilities, and for that it relies on Brazilian technology, which proposes a very suitable platform for these purposes.”

FERRERE's advice, in coordination with Embraer's legal team, was led by partner Gianni Gutiérrez and a team of professionals including Cristina Vázquez, Martin Rosati and Valentín Pérez Reyes, and it involved the treatment of all Uruguayan legal aspects, as well as the resolution of several regulatory challenges.