FERRERE advised BARBUSS, a global company with over 20 years’ experience in providing financial, risk management and consultancy services especially designed to assist the risk transfer industry, on acquisition of the Uruguayan insurer Aseguradores de Cauciones S.A. -currently in the process of changing its name to BOTTIAS Seguros (Uruguay) S.A.
With this transaction, recently approved by the Central Bank of Uruguay, BARBUSS aims to strengthen and further enhance existing services to its clients, especially in the local and Latin American markets.
FERRERE’s work, led by the partner Geraldine Ifrán, involved advice on regulatory and legal aspects of the transaction and, primarily, counseling and accompanying BARBUSS on the regulatory procedure for obtaining the prior Central Bank Authorization required for closing.
The FERRERE team was headed up by Ifrán along with other practitioners of the firm, including the attorneys Walter Planells and Martina González.